Cycling is an excellent form of exercise that is safe for your spine as long as you do it correctly. Follow these important tips to ensure you are protecting your spine on your next ride:
1. Get the Right Fit
It is crucial that your bike is fit correctly for you. Is your seat the right height? Are your handlebars close enough to your body? What about your pedal position? Any of these could cause an incorrect riding posture resulting in unnecessary back pain. Go to a local bike shop and have an expert determine the proper fit and make adjustments as needed.
2. Loosen Up and Keep Those Gears in Check
First, be sure to warm up your muscles before getting on the road, making them less prone to injury. Second, allow your body to better absorb any shocks that may jar your back by not gripping the handlebars too tight and by keeping a slight bend in your elbows. Lastly, know your limits! Do not push yourself with higher gears as this could strain your lower back.
3. Flexibility and Core Strength
Core strength and flexibility is crucial in avoiding back pain while cycling. Your core muscles keep you balanced as you ride so it is not hard for them to become fatigued. In addition to core strength, cyclist who have little flexibility in their back and hamstring muscles are much more susceptible to strains and other lower back problems. Make sure you incorporate core exercises and stretching into your workout regimen to keep you free from injury on your next bike ride.
Happy Cycling from the team at First State Spine!
If you have back pain or back problems, make an appointment with one of First State Spine’s specialists for recommendations on which exercise program would be bestCycling is an excellent form of exercise that is safe for your spine as long as you do it correctly. Follow these important tips to ensure you are protecting your spine on your next ride for you.
It’s time to get a handle on your spine health and live free of pain! However, always check with your physician to see if these tips are safe to follow based on your health history.