It’s that time of year again; holiday season! The holidays should be a season full of joy and laughter, however, they can also bring on stress that you may not usually experience. Those who experience chronic back pain, may have a different perspective of the holidays. Instead of being in high spirits, those in pain may suffer from the holiday blues. Often chronic pain can lead to depression. You should enjoy the holidays and don’t succumb to the holiday blues this year. Spine-Health give us some tips to help reduce your holiday stress!

  1. Talk with friends on the phone, or over coffee.
  2. Talk with other people who suffer from back pain or chronic pain.
  3. See your family doctor and take proper precautions to reduce any added back pain cause by stress.
  4. Carry extra weight may contribute to back pain. Improve your diet and exercise routine but still make sure to enjoy the food at your family gatherings or work party,
  5. Set goals! One of the best feelings in the world is setting goals and achieving them. Make sure to set goals within your reach and do not overextend yourself. That can lead to stress.
  6. Plan a gathering or holiday party. It is so important to surround yourself with people you love during the holidays.
  7. Hug somebody! A study was published stating hugs increase oxytocin and reduce blood pressure in women.
  8. Give your back proper support by going ergonomic.
  9. Get enough sleep. If back pain is preventing you from sleeping well at night, it may be time for a new mattress. DO your research to find the best mattress for your back.
  10. Enjoy the Holidays!