Living a heart-healthy lifestyle not only reduces the risk for stroke and heart disease but can also limit back and neck pain. Follow these heart-healthy tips that your spine will love!

Achieve and Maintain A Healthy Weight
Maintaining a healthy weight can decrease the risk for heart disease and reduces unnecessary pressure that is placed on the spinal column, minimizing back pain.

Get Active Daily
Inactivity can increase back pain and the risk of heart disease or stroke. Being active, even for 20 minutes a day, can reduce inflammation and get blood circulating to the spinal column.

Give Up Smoking
Smoking reduces the amount of oxygen in your blood, which the heart and spinal column need to enable blood flow. Cigarettes can also limit the amount of calcium the body needs, increasing the risk for osteoporosis. It’s time to give up the bad habit of smoking!

Hydrate with H20
The jelly-like discs along the spinal column that help cushion the spine are made of water and it needs water continuously to function properly. Drinking more H20 is not only good for your spine but is a better option than the sugary drinks that can lead to high blood sugar or high cholesterol.

Don’t Sit for Too Long
Decrease the risk of heart disease and back pain by getting up every hour to allow blood to circulate to the spinal column. Want to improve your posture too? Check out our tips for Office Syndrome.

Get Rid of Stress
Stress can tighten muscles in the spinal column and increase heart rate. Find ways to de-stress daily by having a good laugh with a friend, reading a book, or meditating.

Slow Down
Maintain a healthy active heart rate throughout the day to reduce stress on the heart. Slowing down also helps minimize the risk for mishaps, like lifting improperly or tripping, which can produce back pain.

Take Care of Your Back Pain
Constant back pain can increase blood pressure and cardiovascular stress. Have you been suffering from consistent back pain? It’s time to get a handle on your spine health. Call the TOP DOCS at First State Spine to schedule an appointment.

Always check with your physician to see if these tips are safe to follow based on your health history.